F.B.I. Federal Bureau of Investigation - Director Kash Patel
Dear F.B.I. Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Kash Patel
My name is Enzo Vincenzi, a U.S. investor whose life has been systematically dismantled by an extensive public corrupted government network of public corruption spanning both the United States and Costa Rica. I have endured physical assaults, death threats, financial devastation, and false imprisonment, while those responsible operate with impunity, shielded by a web of corrupt officials, law enforcement, and legal professionals conspiring to silence me.
A Campaign of Violence, Intimidation, and Theft
Physical Assaults and Death Threats: I have been violently attacked and threatened with death for standing against corruption.
False Imprisonment: I was wrongfully arrested and detained on fabricated charges intended to intimidate and silence me, by Public Corrupted Sheriff CARMINE MARCINO, Deputy BRIAN HOYT, Deputy LARRY WINCELOZICZ
Financial Ruin: My assets, including money, property, and business interests, have been stolen or destroyed through fraudulent schemes orchestrated by corrupt attorneys and public officials in 6 Costa Rica Government Courts Public Records and in the United States Florida Lee County Public Corrupted Sheriff's CARMINE MARCENO Government Public Records for the World To See.and the Lee County Government 20th Circuit Judicial Courts Public records for the World To See.
Identified Perpetrators Shielded by Corruption
The individuals involved in these crimes are known yet remain untouchable due to systemic corruption:
Costa Rican Public Corrupted Officials and corrupt Attorneys:
Francisco Eiter Cruz Marchena: President of the College of Attorneys, implicated in public corruption.
Viamney Guzmán Alvarado: Fiscal of the College of Attorneys, involved in obstructing justice, tampering with evidence .and aiding and abetting Francisco Eiter Cruz Marchena: President of the College of Attorneys,tampering with all the incriminating evidence in their possession
Public Corrupted named and identified unethical unprofessional attorneys Karl Villalobos Hoffmann, attorney Luis Antonio Cubillo Pacheco, attorney Luis Diego Chaves Solís, attorney Andrea Díaz (owner of Precision Immigration): Attorneys engaged in corrupt practices and theft of attorneys services, stole documented evidence and refused to return the evidence
Junior Díaz: Practicing law without a license, allegedly stole his mother's house and lost it gambling.it away at the casino leaving his mother homeless
Tobías Murillo: Mayor of Jacó, reportedly embezzled municipal funds and misappropriated real estate properties.
Carlos Villegas Méndez: Fiscal of the College of Attorneys, complicit in corruption, omitting evidence and tampering with Costa Rica Courts Public Records evidence in his possession
Sonia Villalobos Chacón: Licensed notary involved in fraudulent activities.
Myra Cecilia Villalobos Chacón: Engaged in criminal activities.
Patricia Hernández M.: Attorney instructor implicated in corruption.
Yamileth De Los Ángeles Araya Lara ("Mila"): Fraudster involved in criminal conspiracy, death threats and conspiracy to murder .
Public Corrupted attorneys Cristian Eduardo Zamora Sequeira (Zar Abogados Law Firm), attorney José Juan Sánchez Chavarría, attorney Yorleni Díaz, Juan Calderón Díaz: corrupt attorneys and co-conspirators engaging in fraud, theft of attorney services, deceptive trade practices, obstruction of justice,.assault and attacks death threats and conspiracy to murder United States Investors,and conspiracy to steal real estate properties from United States Investors in Costa Rica.
David Ricardo Madrigal: Public Corrupt Jacó court judge.engaging in Organized Public Corruption Cover Up Slandering Defamation of Character discrimination hate crimes,tampering with public courts records evidence in his possession that was provided by Certified Registered mail, aiding and abetting criminal Yamileth De Los Ángeles Araya Lara (Mila) to escape criminal prosecution and conspiracy to murder
Sandra Morales: Judicial co-conspirator in Jacó.
Mónica Gabriela Sánchez Valverde: Attorney arrested for corrupt practices.
José Antonio Calderón Vargas: Attorney murdered under suspicious circumstances.was also robbed by Public Corrupted attorney Yorleni Diaz
José Juan Sánchez Chavarría: Co-conspirator attorney involved in fraudulent activities, and theft of real estate property in the Puntarenas Courts Public Records for the World To See.
Eduardo Mora Casconte: Public Corrupt attorney in the Jacó Police Department tampering with evidence and aiding and abetting, death threats, conspiracy to murder United States investors in Costa Rica with all the documented court records in his possession including the theft of $35,000.00 U.S. Dollars Wells Fargo Bank Check in his possession.
Donaldo Bermúdez Rodríguez: OIJ Jacó investigator complicit in organized public corruption with the evidence in his possession and the Blood of United States Investors on his hands, including all the Costa Rica pubic courts records in his possession including the theft of $35,000.00 U.S. Dollars Wells Fargo Bank Check in his possession.
Public Corrupted attorney Norma Cayaso: Jacó police fiscal attorney who tampered with evidence and dismissed President Rodrigo Chaves's notices and mocked the victims and laughed in their faces and stated because attorney Jose Caulderon is dead the United States Investors have no case
Glynne Daphne Rochester: Corrupt English/Spanish translator and real estate agent in Jacó.
Prior Public Corrupted Costa Rica American Embassy Ambassador CYNTHIA A. TELLES.
False Witnesses Who Committed Perjury:
Jairo Ureña Villalobos
Sonia Villalobos Chacón
Sandra Patricia Vargas Morales
Ania Arce Leiva
United States Individuals:
Criminals Richard Seaton, Carly Huba, James Huba: illegal immigrant Miriam Pacheco, Maria T. Torres, Marvin Torres, Rosa Blanca Sachtouras, engaged in character assassination, discriminatory hate crimes, and issuing death threats.
Public Corrupted Sheriff Carmine Marceno (Lee County, Florida): Weaponized his authority to orchestrate a campaign of slander and defamation against me, facilitating hate crimes and false arrests.and conspiracy to murder, conspiracy to aiding and abetting Lee County Building Code Enforcement Department to steal my Hotel and my Home and Florida State Homestead Real Estate Property in Lee County Florida Real Estate Public records with a FRAUDULENT Filed $37,000.00 Lien in the Lee County Government Real Estate Property Public Records for the WORLD TO SEE
A Call for Immediate Action
The United States Investors implore the F.B.I. Federal Bureau of Investigations to:
Investigate and Prosecute: Launch a thorough investigation into the officials, attorneys, and individuals responsible for this extensive corruption and criminal conspiracy.in the United States and in Costa Rica.
Ensure Accountability: Hold all parties accountable, including those who have facilitated my persecution and the theft of my assets, death threats and conspiracy to murder.
Protect U.S. Citizens Abroad: Implement measures to safeguard U.S. investors and citizens from similar threats and abuses in foreign countries.
- Addressing Legal Concerns in Costa Rica: Enzo Vincenzi's Experience https://markets.
financialcontent.com/stocks/ article/247pressrelease-2023- 11-7- addressing legal-concerns-in-costa-rica- enzo-vincenzis-experience - https://www.telediario.cr/en-
alerta/caso-madre-patria-36- personas-deteni das-fraude Madre Patria #Archivo | El abogado Juan Diego Castro explota en contra de la Corte Suprema de Justicia. ESTOY HARTO DE TANTA MIERDA en el Poder Judicial . https://www.facebook.com/watch/? case: 36 suspects arrested for stealing Real Estate properties from foreigners in Costa Rica.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=2tpDkXE10Vk Trouble at Outlier Legal Your Residency in Peril
- "The security situation in Costa Rica is extremely precarious": Roger Pardo Maurer, former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Western Hemisphere.
Sincerely, I am
Enzo Vincenzi
C.C. To President Donald J. Trump
New York Daily News - nylegals@nydailynews.com
NBC News Media reporter's Kellie Burns, Peter Busch - dave.elias@hearst.com
Fox 4 News Media - news@fox4now.com
ABC 7 SWFL News Media Reporters Channing Frampton and Elyse Chengery channing.frampton@gma
Bob Norman -investigative reporter-journalism@flcga.org
Failing Justice Justin Carlson - contact@failingjustice.org
Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne and Adonica Howard-Browne- rodneyhowardbro
The River at Tampa Bay Church 3738 River International Drive Tampa, FL 33610 866-85-RIVER
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