A Nation Under Siege: The Unchecked Corruption That Has Turned Costa Rica into a Graveyard for Investors
How a Ruthless Criminal Syndicate of Public Officials, Judges, and Law Enforcement Orchestrated False Arrests, Property Theft, and Murder-for-Hire—While the World Watched in Silence
To President Donald J. Trump March 1, 2025
Mailing Address: 1100 S. Ocean Blvd Palm Beach, FL 33480
Email Info@DonaldTrump.com
National Archives and Records Administration
Archival Operations Division - Donald J. Trump Presidential
Library 8601 Adelphi RD, Room 1900
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Email: trump.library@nara.gov
INTERPOL | The International Criminal Police Organization.-email address m.olmsted@Interpol.int. headquarters@interpolice.org environmentalcrime@interpol.int - president@interpolice.org - ipomemberservice@gmail.com- ipofrenchsection@gmail.com
United States (DOS) of Foreign Affairs Investigation Department
U.S. Secretary of State Marko Rubio
United States Military Forces
U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
(F.B.I) Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Kash Patel
(DEA) Drug Enforcement Administration
Florida State Governor Ron De Santis
U.S. Homeland Security
U.S. Immigration Department
N.Y./Fl Investigator Bob Nygaard
Subject: A Catastrophic Human Rights Crisis, Obstruction of Justice, and Unchecked Government Organized Public Corruption Crisis in Costa Rica and Lee County, Florida, False Arrests, Solicitation of Murder for hire Case No.: (#53–35825) Death Threats, assaults, attacks, and conspiracy to murder United States Investors in Costa Rica for their Real Estate properties, Hotel businesses and my home.
The crimes I have endured, the brutality I have suffered, immeasurable Financial Losses in the United States Lee County Florida and in Costa Rica, and the unrelenting conspiracy against me are beyond mere corruption—they are an international unlawful public disgrace and a damning indictment of the evil demonic public institutions that have allowed this lawlessness to flourish. I am writing to you out of sheer tortuous pain, suffering and desperation, a last attempt to seek justice before this criminal syndicate succeeds in murdering more people and minors in public in Costa Rica.
Despite being a United States investor who has contributed over $1,000,000.00 to the Costa Rican economy, I have been relentlessly pursued, attacked, assaulted, defrauded, and left destitute by an insidious criminal network operating within the very government institutions meant to uphold justice.
The list of named and identified complicit corrupt officials and attorneys is staggering. Their crimes are not isolated incidents but part of a well-organized transnational government criminal enterprise that has infiltrated both Costa Rica and Lee County, Florida. These public corrupt officials have engaged in deliberate Human Rights Violations, Obstruction of Justice, public unlawful slander, defamation of character, discriminatory hate crimes conspiracies, false arrests, extortion, fraud real estate liens, property theft, fraud theft of attorney services, deceptive trade practices, death threat, attempted murder and conspiracy to murder United States Investors in Costa Rica for their money and Real Estate properties Hotel Business and my home in Costa Rica.
Former Public Corrupted U.S. American Ambassador Cynthia A. Telles not only ignored my plight but actively participated in this betrayal, aiding and abetting known corrupt officials who sought to eliminate me. She knowingly allowed Death Threats against me to go unaddressed and ensured that I was left with no food, no medical assistance, and no access to legal residency, despite my substantial investments in Costa Rica. This state-sponsored UNLAWFUL Organized Public Corruption Government prosecution has publicly destroyed Costa Rica Integrity, Safety and Security for everyone.
My attempts to escape the Organized Public Corruption Systemic Government Corruption in Lee County, Florida—where Public Corrupted Sheriff Carmine Marceno, Deputy BRIAN HOYT, Deputy LARRY WINCELOZICZ orchestrated a false arrest and solicited my murder (Case No. #53–35825)—only led me to another Public Corruption Government Crisis shit cesspool of public corruption governmental decay recorded in 6 Costa Rica Government Public Courts Records for the World To See.
1) The Costa Rica Supreme Court public records
2) The Costa Rica Amparo Court public records
3) The Jaco Court public records
4) The Jaco Police Department public records
5) The Puntarenas Courts Public Records.
6) The OIJ Jaco Public Police Records for the World to See
The exact same fraudulent schemes, tactics, and Modus Operandi used against me in Florida have been replicated in Costa Rica, executed by public corrupt officials and pubic corrupt attorneys who operate without fear of consequence of criminal prosecution or arrests.
In fact these are the same publicly documented same script, same tactics and same Modus Operandi unlawful weaponized slandering and defamation of character hate crimes that has been fraudulently illegally publicly used against United States President Donald J. Trump, Costa Rica President Rodrigo Chaves and United States Investor Enzo Vincenzi in Costa Rica that was recorded in the Public Corrupted Fraudulent Government public courts records system for the World To See in a public attempt to destroy our reputations.
● Public Corrupted College of Attorneys President FRANCISCO EITER CRUZ MARCHENA, College of attorneys Fiscal Lic VIANEY GUZMAN ALVARADO, Public Corrupted attorney KARL VILLALOBOS HOFFMANN, Public Corrupted attorney LUIS ANTONIO CUBILLO PACHECO, Public Corrupted JUNIOR DIAZ practicing law without a license who allegedly stole his own mother's house and gambled it and lost it at the casino, Public Corrupted attorney LUIS DIEGO CHAVES SOLIS, Public Corrupted attorney ANDREA DIAZ owner of Precision Immigration, Co-conspirator manager CRAIG ANTHONY ATHERTON, Public Corrupted Jaco Mayor TOBÍAS MURILLO according to public News Press investigation reports allegedly stole Municipality Governments tax collected money and more than 8 real estate properties from the Jaco Municipality Real Estate property tax department, Public Corrupted Fiscal Government College of attorney CARLOS VILLEGAS MENDEZ, Public Corrupted Licensed Notary SONIA VILLALOBOS CHACÓN, Criminal MYRA CECILIA VILLALOBOAS CHACON, Public Corrupted attorney instructor PATRICIA HERNÁNDEZ M. criminal fraudster YAMILETH De Los Ángeles ARAYA LARA “Mila” and United States Criminals RICHARD SEATON, CARLY HUBA, JAMES HUBA, and Public Corrupted Sheriff CARMINE MARCENO, conspiracy to murder, unlawful, slandering, and defamation of character and discriminatory hate crimes Lee County Sheriff false arrest photo for the World To See, with Co conspirators criminals RICHARD SEATON, CARLY HUBA, JAMES HUBA aiding and abetting in Federal Felony Offences hate crimes in Costa Rica.
Corrupt Sheriff Carmine Marceno has shamelessly weaponized his power, orchestrating a vile campaign of slander and defamation against me —an unlawful, baseless attack designed to destroy my reputation. With the help of co-conspirators—criminals Richard Seaton, Carly Huba, and James Huba—Public Corrupted Sheriff CARMINE MARCENO he has spread malicious lies, Lee County Sheriff False Arrest Photo fueling hate crimes that have been publicly broadcasted for the world to see. Their smear campaign, splashed across Top Wire News, the internet, Facebook, Tripadvisor and the Ocean Beach Jaco Hotel’s Google My Business Homepage, is nothing short of a public execution of my character, designed to leave lasting scars both in Costa Rica and the United States.
IN FACT Public Corrupted Sheriff CARMINE MARCINO himself is drowning in corruption, under the weight of a 14-count FBI federal investigation. Meanwhile, his accomplices—RICHARD SEATON, CARLY, HUBA, and JAMES HUBA, Miriam Pacheco, Maria T.Torres, Marvin Torres and Blanca Rosa Sachatoras —not only engaged in character assassination but also spewed discriminatory hate, issued death threats, and operated with blatant impunity. These individuals are a flight risk, their actions warranting immediate consequences. The United States passports of Public Corrupted Sheriff CARMINE MARCINO, Co-conspirators RICHARD SEATON, CARLY HUBA, JAMES HUBA, MIRIAM PACHECO, MARIA T.TORRES, MARVIN TORRES, BLANCA ROASASATORAS Must Be SEIZED Before They Flee Accountability, leaving their crimes unanswered THIS IS NOT JUSTICE, THIS IS TYRANNY, By a Public Corrupted Lee County Sheriff CARMINE MARCENO and his named and identified Co-conspirators
False Witnesses who committed perjury in both the Jaco Police Public records and in the Costa Rica Supreme Court public records for the World To See:
1. False Witness JAIRO UREÑA VILLALOBOS (Celular: 109160793)
2. False Witness SONIA VILLALOBOS CHACÓN - Notaria Autorizada
(Celular: 10487061)
4. False Witness ANIA ARCE LEIVA (Celular; 601250409)
Public Corrupted Jaco Court Judge DAVID RICARDO MADRIGAL, Public Corrupted Jaco Court Judicial Co conspirator SANDRA MORALES, Public Corrupted ARRESTED attorney MONICA GABRIELA SANCHEZ VALVERDE, Public Corrupted MURDERED attorney JOSE ANTONIO CALDERON VARGAS, and Co conspirator JUAN CALDERON DIAZ.
● Jaco Police Department Public Corrupted Attorney EDUARDO MORA CASCONTE
● Public Corrupted Co conspirator OIJ Jaco Investigator DONALDO BERMUDEZ RODRIGUEZ
● Public Corrupted Jaco Police Fiscal Attorney NORMA CAYASO who stated to the witness's the "notice from President Rodrigo Chaves means nothing to me" and " because Public Corrupted attorney Jose Antonio Calderon Vargas was MURDERED " attorney Norma Cayaso mocked me and laughed in my face and stated to me because attorney Jose Antonio Calderon Vargas is dead " I have no case "
● Public Corrupt English/Spanish Jaco Police translator and real estate agent Glynne Daphne Rochester.
● Co-conspirators attorney JOSE JUAN SANCHEZ CHAVARRIA, Criminal Fraudster YAMILETH De Los Ángeles ARAYA LARA (Mila) Public Corrupted attorney YORLENI DIAZ, Public Corrupted Zar Abogados Law Firm CRISTIAN EDUARDO ZAMORA SEQUEIRA, and the named and identified corrupt officials and public corrupted attorneys filed in the dated February 7, 2025 OIJ Government Public Records criminal complaint for the World To See. and September 6, 2024 Public Corrupted College of attorneys President FRANCISCO EITER CRUZ MARCHENA criminal complaint provided by Certified Registered Mail and filed and recorded for the WORLD TO SEE.
These criminals stole my property, stole money from my United States Wells Fargo Bank account, erased evidence, manipulated court records, tampered with evidence in their possession and orchestrated false criminal charges against me. They have attacked, assaulted me physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, tortured me, left me with grievous injuries, and sought to erase my existence by any means necessary, leaving me with no money for food, no money for medical surgery fees.
The United States Investors find it ALARMING, TROUBLING, and SUSPICIOUS how did the Public Corrupted Co-conspirator OIJ Jaco Police Department Investigator DONALDO BERMUDEZ RODRIGUEZ unlawful allow Public Corrupted attorney YORLENI DIAZ and her Co conspirator son JUAN CALDERON DIAZ who attacked assaulted and nearly beaten me to death allowed them illegally leave the country and go to the United States when they had not one but THREE open investigations against them in the Jaco Police Department Public Records Expediente 24-000196-0645-PE and Two more in the OIJ Jaco Public Records for the WORLD TO SEE January 7, 2025 OIJ Poder Judicial No.: Unico 25-000012-0077-PE No.:021-25-000016 and another one on February 7, 2025 OIJ Jaco Police Department filed criminal complaints, and furthermore more than 5 documented College of attorneys filed public corruption attorney criminal complaints provided by Certified Registered mail to Public Corrupted College of attorneys President Francisco Eiter Cruz Marchena, Co conspirators Fiscal attorney CARLOS VILLEGAS MENDEZ, Co-conspirator Fiscal Lic Vianney Guzman Alvarado.
They are not attorneys, not officers of the law, not public servants—they are wolves in suits, predators masquerading as officials, and they have left a trail of victims, both U.S. and Costa Rican citizens, in their wake. including minors being murdered in public in Costa Rica.
The unchecked murder rate in Costa Rica has reached historic levels. Minors are being slaughtered in public, and only half of these crimes are even reported. The government has suppressed this information to protect the illusion of stability, while foreign investors like myself are systematically robbed, beaten, and murdered with impunity. My case is just one among countless others. Victims who speak out are silenced, either through false imprisonment, financial ruin, false arrests and expelled from the country and robbed of their money they invested and robbed of their Real Estate properties in Costa Rica or outright assassination. Many have fled the country, unable to withstand the relentless persecution.
The United States Investors will not be one of them.
In the Name of God and the Blood of Jesus Christ, The United States Investors refuse to be silenced. The United States must intervene forthwith before more American investors are destroyed, before more blood is spilled, before more lives are ruined.
The individuals named in this Public Corruption Criminal complaint BY LAW must be ARRESTED and PROSECUTED to the fullest extent of the law. Justice cannot be delayed any longer. If Costa Rica refuses to act, then it is imperative that the United States Government holds these criminals accountable and provides protection for United States citizens under attack in Costa Rica.
My formal request remains: I demand an urgent meeting with the new Costa Rica American Embassy Ambassador Melinda Hidebrand to discuss my residency status and these horrific crimes. My legal documentation has already been submitted to Costa Rica's Immigration Department Director Raquel Vargas, yet I have been left in limbo while being subjected to repeated acts of violence, death threats, theft, conspiracy to THREE public conspiracy attempts to false arrests by Jaco Police Departments Public Courts Records for the World To See the documented attempts to falsely arrests to expel me from the country, attacks, assaults and death threats to my life, in an attempt for the named and identified corrupt officials and corrupt attorneys and false witness rob the United States Investors of their money they invested in Costa Rica and unlawfully seize my properties my Home and Hotel business in Costa Rica that BY LAW belongs to the United States investors!
The crimes committed against me are already well-documented and in the hands of:
● Witness United States President Donald J. Trump
● Witness United States Military Forces
● Witness U.S. Department of Homeland Security
● Witness U.S. Secretary of State Marko Rubio
● Witness F.B.I. Director Kash Patel and D.E.A.
Witness Florida Governor Ron De Santis
● Witness's Honorable Judges Maurren Viquez and Judge Douglas Quesada
Witness Costa Rica President Rodrigo Chaves
Witness OIJ Director Randell Zuniga
If these crimes remain unanswered, it will be a stain on the integrity of both Costa Rica and the United States. Corrupt ocials like College of attorneys Public Corrupted President Francisco Eiter Cruz Marchena, Co-conspirator’s college of attorney Lic VIAMNEY GUZMAN ALVARADO, Fiscal CARLOS VILLEGAS MENDEZ and Public Corrupted Jaco Police Fiscal De Garabito attorney EDUARDO MORA CASCONTE have blood on their hands. They do not deserve their titles and their freedom. The American and international investment community will not stand for this any longer.
Let this Public Corruption Notice for the World To See serve as a final warning: the era of impunity is coming to an end. The United States Investors in Costa Rica demand action, demand justice, and demand protection from these Public Corrupted Financial Terrorizing.
Terrorists who are using their public government positions and authority to unlawfully rob, steal and murder United States Investors for their money and real estate properties in Costa Rica.
The world must bear witness to the depths of this unholy corruption. The named and identified officials and attorneys are not merely corrupt—they are perpetrators and aiding and abetting of Organized Public Corruption Narco-Terrorism. Their crimes, documented in Costa Rica public records courts, News Media and News Press investigation reports are a direct attack on justice, the rule of law, and the integrity of global finance.
On February 7, 2025, a criminal complaint was filed against OIJ Police Department Investigator Donaldo Bermudez Rodriguez, exposing this network of public corruption, financial terrorism, and deceit. The United States investors demand, by law, that every one of these exposed criminals—officials, attorneys, and their false witnesses—have their U.S. visas permanently revoked and be forever barred from setting foot in the United States of America. This includes corrupt co-conspirator OIJ Jaco Investigator DONALDO BERMUDEZ RODRIGUEZ himself.
These individuals stand accused in publicly documented cases of financial terrorism and organized corruption, their actions orchestrated from within the Costa Rican government and court system. They have not only defrauded and terrorized the United States investors but have also debased the very institutions meant to uphold justice. Their crimes are a public disgrace to democracy, a dangerous threat to society, and a clear and present danger to international stability.
The United States investors now demand that these criminals be placed under permanent global scrutiny. The appropriate authorities, including Interpol, must be notified of their active investigations and pending criminal cases. These figures are not just corrupt—they are hostile agents of financial devastation, deception, and state-sponsored criminal enterprise.
At this time, the United States investors in Costa Rica urgently demand action. The world must recognize these individuals for what they are: a grave threat that cannot be ignored.
At this time the United States Investors in Costa Rica are
respectfully requesting the United States of America President
Donald J. Trump, U.S. Secretary of State Marko Rubio immediately send the (D.E.A.) Drug Enforcement Department Law Enforcement Ocers,
(F.B.I.) Federal Bureau of Investigation Law Enforcement Ocers and the United States Military Forces to assist Costa Rica President Rodrigo
Chaves combat the Organized Public Corruption Narco Tracking who are allegedly armed with AK 47 weapons.
"The security situation in Costa Rica is extremely precarious": Roger Pardo Maurer, former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Western Hemisphere.
It is alleged in a public News Press report that President Rodrigo Chaves has 69 open investigation criminal cases against him and 9 of them have already been dismissed this was all done in retaliation to the more than 20 government public corrupted officials and attorneys including 5 transit police officers who were recently arrested for Stealing Real Estate Property from Foreigners in Costa Rica.
The United States Department of Homeland Security and United States Immigration Departments BY LAW MUST publicly record all the named and identified Costa Rica false witness's names, corrupt attorneys names, and corrupt officials names in the United States Homeland Security public government computer records as a public corrupted financial terrorizing terrorists menace and dangerous threat to all United States Investors and citizens and to prevent each and everyone of named corrupt ocials, attorneys, and false witness from ever stepping foot inside the United States of America.
Furthermore a big price, very big price must be paid for the World To See for the unlawful blatant slandering defamation of character discrimination hate crimes committed in Costa Rica and in the United States of America and new serious, very serious Federal Felony Offense laws MUST BE PASSED forthwith with fines, restitution, and long, very long criminal prosecution prison sentences before these crimes are allowed to be committed again against more people in the United States and in Costa Rica.
https://www.telediario.cr/en-alerta/caso-madre-patria-36-personas-deteni das-fraude Madre Patria case: 36 suspects arrested for stealing Real Estate properties from foreigners in Costa Rica.
OIJ Raids in six provinces of the country
tumblrblog.com/corruption-crisis-devastates-costa-rica-economy-and-tourismht tps:
events/judicial-inspection-receives-complaint-against-public-prosecutor-ocer s-in theaegisalliance.com/2024/09/28/shocking-accusations-of-corruption-human-ri ghts-violati on s-and-negligence-at-us-embassy-in-costa-rica-endangerhttps
Addressing Legal Concerns in Costa Rica: Enzo Vincenzi's Experience https://markets.financialcontent.com/stocks/article/247pressrelease-2023-11-7- addressing legal-concerns-in-costa-rica-enzo-vincenzis-experience
#Archivo | El abogado Juan Diego Castro explota en contra de la Corte Suprema de Justicia. ESTOY HARTO DE TANTA MIERDA en el Poder Judicial . https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1669588983936709
"The security situation in Costa Rica is extremely precarious": Roger Pardo Maurer, former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Western Hemisphere.
https://www.crhoy.com/nacionales/familias-de-victimas-colaterales-de-la-vio lencia-levantan-la voz y-piden-tomar-acciones/
Families of collateral victims of violence raise their voices and ask for action
https://www.crhoy.com/nacionales/estas-son-las-medidas-urgentes-que-debe tomar-el-pais-par a-c ombatir-crisis-de-inseguridad/
These are urgent measures that the country must take to combat the insecurity crisis, The World is watching.
Thank You President Donlad J. Trump, U.S. Secretary of State Marko Rubio, F.B.I. Director Kash Patel, Costa Rica President Rodrigo Chaves, Honorable Judge Maureen Viquez, Honorable Judge Douglas Quesada for your assistance and integrity in addressing these issues.
GOD BLESS THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA and GOD BLESS COSTA RICA. _________________________________________
Respectfully, I am Enzo Vincenzi
Ocean Beach Jaco Hotel Residencial Jacó Sol, Detras de Plaza Coral
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